
standing on....

standing on

It's been a while! Not even for sure if anyone still reads, but that's OK- getting words out into the great wide open does the mind good! When decisions are made and reality settles in remorse is also soon to creep in. The last couple of weeks have been tough, a mind full of wondering can leave you confused. So how, how do we deal? We find what it is that we are standing on. If we/ I can find something that keeps us focused, driven, and ready then doubt has no place.

"I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out- plans to take care of you, NOT abandon you, plans to give you the future you hoped for."
Jeremiah 29: 10-11 MSG

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 NIV

These scriptures are my block of choice to stand on.
If you understand the love God has for us then you can remind yourself:
Hey, Jessica, He knows where you are and where you need to go.

...it doesn't hurt to travel the path with some spec shoes!!!!

xo Jessica
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Locally Local.

If you are around, and local to Hatteras Island the Slough asks that you join us this weekend for a special "local's ONLY" SALE!! We have been surrounded and supported by a huge local following, and its truly been amazing. Please stop by and pick you up something sweet!
xo Jessica
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The brown horse.

It amazes me how we cross paths with some truly amazing people. Today in the shop the cutest girl came in and through small chit chat I learned some pretty stellar things. Her and her husband with a group of friends have started the brown horse garments. Its adorably simple t's with so much more in meaning. They do all there own screen printing and 100% , yeah!, go to organizations in need. It was so inspiring to watch the passion fire through her and what was driving deep within her to walk in love.
She, like me, felt the calling. She listened and obeyed.

"It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for"
   Ephesians 1:10 MSG


xo Jessica

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Face the Music.

It is no secret and has been mentioned numerous times in the previous blog post that a change of wind was blowing, and now the time has come to spill the beans. After much (actually more than that) consideration and sleepless nights the hub and I have came to a major decision. We will be closing the Slough!! Our last day will be September 15,2013. I know, its been a tough little pill to swallow, but one that is becoming more bearable every day. The Slough has been a dream of mine since the age of 18 and it is priceless to know that it has been fulfilled. It could not of been more perfect to stumble upon this passage today, in that its truly how I feel:

Nothing in your life is going to make sense or be right until you've surrendered everything you are and have to Him. Then, and only then, will you be prepared to discover and live your God-given dreams.
Mac Hammond
I been racing back and forth wondering what was the next step, if this was my dream complete why was I still feeling so empty? So here is what I have decided. As mentioned above, I'm going to look at this shop for exactly what it has been. I have learned a lot about myself, I have grown more confident in the person I am striving to become, and I have fulfilled that dream. Questions are inevitable and answers are not always available. Please know that my love for fashion hasn't ceased in the slightest and my next step will contain some form of creativity this I am sure.
So what's next? I can honestly say I have no idea :) And I'm Ok with that. I mean the most obvious...I need a job, have any ideas?
I am very aware this may come as a shock to some and I have had an amazing following and strong clientele that I am over the top grateful for, but life is moving and when a door opens...you walk through it!
"What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open"
          Revelation 3:7 NIV
As the weeks progress I will continue to post things I love, and fashions for fall, and the must go SALE and all it entails!!
Sweet Tuesday
xo Jessica

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College Fashionista Debut

Look! Its my sister and fellow Slough Gal. She certainly is salty sweet and her style is just the same. Her love for fashion isn't a complete obsession like her elder sis, but she embraces style in a such a way that I love to watch. Just recently she was featured on a fashion blog and boy let me tell you, I sure am proud!! Check it out here. We make a great team and my life would be incomplete with out her!!

xo Jessica
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Studs & Stilettos

Studs & Stilettos

Studs and Stilettos are by far two of my favorite things. If I'm honest you must know in the summer months I prefer a barefoot, but when fall roles around and a slight chill, the stilettos are a MUST! Its amazing to see this shoe transform in so many ways. I remember as a small little girl playing dress up I thought the day would never come when these fabulous shoes would actually fit (even know I'm a full 6 1/2). The transformations are endless and change within mere seasons. This style however, is my favorite yet. Its a classic point but with such a modern flare. Colors, fabrics, and cuts are so individual, very fun..and I must say my shoe budget might need an increase.
In terms of studs, well, I've always rocked a more gaudy approach. This season and these styles I feel that might be changing. Studs are no longer the 6 week dread of freshly pierced ears. I love a simple statement and studs seem to do that little trick every time.

Where are you finding yourself? In studs and stilettos?

xo Jessica
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Step. Breathe. Step

Well Salts it another Monday! Time to embrace change and start a fresh week. The summer is flying by and I can barely believe that fall is right at our toes. Its important to embrace the moment but also to know what lies in the future. Its always exciting to watch how life changes through seasons. The fall holds some really great things but for now, I'm going to enjoy my bikini, continue to eat watermelon and know that boots will soon be in :) I've got my eyes on these!
xo Jessica
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