T G I Flowers!

    As mentioned in a previous post The Slough provides flowers! Its an amazing experience, one that I can earnestly say, I learn something new everyday. This salt is the furthest from a florist, but with time and patience and my utter passion for flowers I have all confidence that this is well worth it. The Slough has been asked to make a few arrangements for a small business celebrating its 10 years of success. Thrilled when asked but also nervous, me? flowers? Lucky and relieved the owner is an awesome friend and had an idea of what she wanted. So from there... to here, its to the inspiration board.

The Flower of choice, Forsythia. Its simplicity and earthy tent carried by its height makes none the less the perfect statement. Paired with Daffodils of pure white and yellow are sure to settle the arrangement. Why checkerboard? Because fashion is what I know, it is my ultimate inspiration.


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