standing on....

standing on

It's been a while! Not even for sure if anyone still reads, but that's OK- getting words out into the great wide open does the mind good! When decisions are made and reality settles in remorse is also soon to creep in. The last couple of weeks have been tough, a mind full of wondering can leave you confused. So how, how do we deal? We find what it is that we are standing on. If we/ I can find something that keeps us focused, driven, and ready then doubt has no place.

"I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out- plans to take care of you, NOT abandon you, plans to give you the future you hoped for."
Jeremiah 29: 10-11 MSG

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 NIV

These scriptures are my block of choice to stand on.
If you understand the love God has for us then you can remind yourself:
Hey, Jessica, He knows where you are and where you need to go.
FAITH. TRUST. AND A LITTLE BIT OF PIXIE DUST doesn't hurt to travel the path with some spec shoes!!!!

xo Jessica
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Locally Local.

If you are around, and local to Hatteras Island the Slough asks that you join us this weekend for a special "local's ONLY" SALE!! We have been surrounded and supported by a huge local following, and its truly been amazing. Please stop by and pick you up something sweet!
xo Jessica
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The brown horse.

It amazes me how we cross paths with some truly amazing people. Today in the shop the cutest girl came in and through small chit chat I learned some pretty stellar things. Her and her husband with a group of friends have started the brown horse garments. Its adorably simple t's with so much more in meaning. They do all there own screen printing and 100% , yeah!, go to organizations in need. It was so inspiring to watch the passion fire through her and what was driving deep within her to walk in love.
She, like me, felt the calling. She listened and obeyed.

"It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for"
   Ephesians 1:10 MSG


xo Jessica

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Face the Music.

It is no secret and has been mentioned numerous times in the previous blog post that a change of wind was blowing, and now the time has come to spill the beans. After much (actually more than that) consideration and sleepless nights the hub and I have came to a major decision. We will be closing the Slough!! Our last day will be September 15,2013. I know, its been a tough little pill to swallow, but one that is becoming more bearable every day. The Slough has been a dream of mine since the age of 18 and it is priceless to know that it has been fulfilled. It could not of been more perfect to stumble upon this passage today, in that its truly how I feel:

Nothing in your life is going to make sense or be right until you've surrendered everything you are and have to Him. Then, and only then, will you be prepared to discover and live your God-given dreams.
Mac Hammond
I been racing back and forth wondering what was the next step, if this was my dream complete why was I still feeling so empty? So here is what I have decided. As mentioned above, I'm going to look at this shop for exactly what it has been. I have learned a lot about myself, I have grown more confident in the person I am striving to become, and I have fulfilled that dream. Questions are inevitable and answers are not always available. Please know that my love for fashion hasn't ceased in the slightest and my next step will contain some form of creativity this I am sure.
So what's next? I can honestly say I have no idea :) And I'm Ok with that. I mean the most obvious...I need a job, have any ideas?
I am very aware this may come as a shock to some and I have had an amazing following and strong clientele that I am over the top grateful for, but life is moving and when a door walk through it!
"What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open"
          Revelation 3:7 NIV
As the weeks progress I will continue to post things I love, and fashions for fall, and the must go SALE and all it entails!!
Sweet Tuesday
xo Jessica

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College Fashionista Debut

Look! Its my sister and fellow Slough Gal. She certainly is salty sweet and her style is just the same. Her love for fashion isn't a complete obsession like her elder sis, but she embraces style in a such a way that I love to watch. Just recently she was featured on a fashion blog and boy let me tell you, I sure am proud!! Check it out here. We make a great team and my life would be incomplete with out her!!

xo Jessica
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Studs & Stilettos

Studs & Stilettos

Studs and Stilettos are by far two of my favorite things. If I'm honest you must know in the summer months I prefer a barefoot, but when fall roles around and a slight chill, the stilettos are a MUST! Its amazing to see this shoe transform in so many ways. I remember as a small little girl playing dress up I thought the day would never come when these fabulous shoes would actually fit (even know I'm a full 6 1/2). The transformations are endless and change within mere seasons. This style however, is my favorite yet. Its a classic point but with such a modern flare. Colors, fabrics, and cuts are so individual, very fun..and I must say my shoe budget might need an increase.
In terms of studs, well, I've always rocked a more gaudy approach. This season and these styles I feel that might be changing. Studs are no longer the 6 week dread of freshly pierced ears. I love a simple statement and studs seem to do that little trick every time.

Where are you finding yourself? In studs and stilettos?

xo Jessica
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Step. Breathe. Step

Well Salts it another Monday! Time to embrace change and start a fresh week. The summer is flying by and I can barely believe that fall is right at our toes. Its important to embrace the moment but also to know what lies in the future. Its always exciting to watch how life changes through seasons. The fall holds some really great things but for now, I'm going to enjoy my bikini, continue to eat watermelon and know that boots will soon be in :) I've got my eyes on these!
xo Jessica
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Keeping it Simply Stupid

As the years quickly pass by I believe a sense of maturity settles and you open your eyes to life and what it holds for you. As the shop matures, the kids continue to grow, and I see in a new light, the K.I.S.S plan becomes more of a goal then an acronym. Dress can be so much fun and salts love true gaud, but there is something to be said for a woman who dances in a neutral silhouette. It screams confidence and security. I challenge you to be comfortable in even the simplest outfit and know that beauty comes from within.

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment,...Rather it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."
1 Peter 3:1-8

xo Jessica
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weekend - Quote

Salts, it is officially the weekend!! This week has been packed with goodness but I am ready for a day of rest. The Slough has a fashion show on Thursday..yeah, its going to be a busy week :)

xo Jessica
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Camera Caught

This Salt is a firm believer that pictures are worth 1,000 words (at least). I am a browser of many blogs and the true attraction speaks through photos. What are these people doing? What are their exact thoughts at the very moment the picture snapped? I love comparing and contrasting the life of others through photos. Are you drawn to a candid? Do you blog browse? I would love to know some of your favorites!!

Ps. Make sure to check the above blogging! I promise you will not be disappointed.

xo Jessica
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Its the Dig.


Its definitely a must have for this salt! What? The Bar Necklace! Its so chic, a simply piece that speaks volumes. I've been on the look out for quite some time trying to find the perfect one for the shop. I haven't had much luck (yet) but after browsing this months Bazaar..I'm sure they will be hitting the market in no time. Our pinterest board has a few of our favorites, do you have a bar? Stay tuned, the Slough is sure to find a perfect match!!

xo Jessica
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Small business requires big plans, promotions and constant production of new ideas. After browsing around and brainstorming The Slough is going to start a $10 and Under table. Salts love to accessorize, and on the beach  it is the most convenient way to be savvy. Looking wasn't too hard as accessories are the most fun! Bows, lace and Bohemian pulled together the look board and goods have been ordered. What's coming? Y'all will just have to wait and see!
Aren't you excited? oh, and its the weekend. Happy Weekend!!

xo Jessica
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I think its safe to say that this is about as close as I have gotten to active gear this salty summer. The shorts are all together so precious and an easy grab for a quick day of errands. Any ol tank will do but aren't these two great? Sneakers and shorts make me nausea if your not running but paired with these little kicks..nailed it!
Activity is so important and should be a must on all of our lists!
Remember what Paul said...
"So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep is under control,"

I will encourage you as I do myself to keep pressing on, fighting, finding a healthy balance in mind, body and soul. Discipline can be a beautiful thing.

xo Jessica
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Contrary to the rest of the population, this salt enjoys a good Monday! Think, we get a fresh start at least once a week. A chance to set new goals, new dreams, new attitudes-
 you fail...start again on Monday. 
 The flowers for tomorrows market are stunning. I love a natural neon, and as I was cleaning and cutting the freshies a few buds popped off,  LOOK! They are precious in a stemmed  mini glass. Style is effortless, trust your judgment and make that first move. The week is calling!! We would love to see you, stop by :)
xo Jessica
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Warrior in a ...


OBSESSION. check them out here.
Certainly got my eye peeled for a pair of these, its madness!

xo Jessica
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Your Inner Martha.

This salty girl use to LOVE a good DIY project. Honestly not anymore- convenience of already made is almost priceless. Anyway, its still fun to see what others do and how talented our fellow trenders can be. My mom is the mastermind behind these painted goodies, I absolutely love using them for merchandising purposes here at the Slough, but I also think they would look great styled on a catch all tray. What do yall think? Make sure to check out our pinterest board here.

Do you DIY?

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Join us!

locally grown

Every Tuesday Hatteras Island hosts a local farmers market. Its been an awesome addition to the Island and I am over the top thrilled to be a participant. Fresh Cuts are an amazing work of God's Creation that can literally be enjoyed by all. The Slough has some newbies in transit and excitingly enough, we are getting FLORAL trouser pants. Its a #majormoment, and paired with a basic tank makes it an effortless outfit for so many occasions. Do you do floral? How about a baggy trouser? Its all the rage! Come join us if your on the Island!!

xo Jessica
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14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. 15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.[a] And by him we cry, “Abba,[b] Father.” 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

Romans 8:14-18 NIV

That is our ultimate freedom.

Be Free! I hate that the past couple of post have been pictures of me, but its me forcing myself- to be comfortable with myself, and I ask you to do the same :)
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Salt made

Salt made

A per usual salt isn't a gal who puts on her face for the beach, but quickly after, product needs to be applied. Today was the Slough's first run at the local farmers market spreading joy via flowers. The weather was remarkable and the sun was hot. Afterwards I had no choice but to take a quick dip in the sea. I had about 20 min on my hands before I was due back at the shop, so what to do? I packed a quick bag and jumped in head first. What did I pack? A maxi, a cami, strappy sandals and a makeup bag.

Here are a few of a salty girls must haves
1. Laura Mericer, its number one on the list for a reason
2. Bobbi Brown Brick, I'm on my second and so obsessed
3. Nars, a cheeky color in coral gives the sun a little added attention
4. Urban hit it just right with this pallet, day or nite its a sure thing
5. Slap of coral shine for the lips (Mac offers the best consistency)
6. Maybeline for a strong lash

And there you have it! Whats in your makeup bag for post beach?

Ps Salt cures

xo Jessica
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The Minds of Women.

"The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward apperance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

1 Samuel 16:7

What is your heart saying?
Happy Weekend!

xo Jessica
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Take a look!

Life has been moving very quickly and salts are just fine with that! If your not moving then what are you doing? So anyway, I thought it appropriate to do a quick snapshot of The Slough and whats hanging. Its been fun, from prints to fabrics and of course flowers!
How is your June? Can you believe July is in sight? Enjoy this very second because look! its already over ;)
xo Jessica
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What was that?

tie dyed

Fashion is so humorous in that it continues to repeat itself. My elementary years were full of rainbow tie dye EVERYTHING, and guess what? Its back! I loved it then and am digging it now. The pattern is available in every color, shape, material, and budget. A fan of Neimans or American Eagle you are certain to find tie dye. Although it is on super trend do be cautious on how you wear this repeat love.
1. Never mix tie dye prints.
2.Tie Dye is not meant for a fashionable pattern mix either.
3. Keep accessories simple and let that psychedelic vibe radiate.
4. My favorite combo for summer is either a simple cutout tie dye dress or a loose tank died with white skinnies.
5. Oh, and a headband is almost always necessary!

Now you know my preference, whats yours? Are you wearing tie dye once again?

xo Jessica
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Needing a little retail therapy.

Summer Must haves
If you follow us on facebook then you have seen that we certainly offer retail therapy for most. But for myself, honestly, Ive got my eye on these:

1. J Crew always has the BEST go to throw on T- literally goes with everything.
2. Loren Hope is someone I admire so much, love her jewelry and really want a piece. Her earrings I adore but I have a thing with heavy earrings- so the bracelet it is!
 (oh, and its ALL MADE IN THE USA)
3. Sole Society has grabbed this salts attention. They are beyond affordable and are oh so trendy. I want something strappy but its a style I normally steer clear from,
 so I want something budget friendly
4. Lastly, yep! its back to the high waist love obsession. What better way to rock the
trend then with jean?

What do you have your eye on? You do know we have knuckle rings!!

xo Jessica
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Custom to COSTUME!

The coveted hobby of this salt is costume jewels! Yes! I collect costume jewelry. It doesnt matter where I go I am on the lookout for something to add to my collection. When shopping around for the Slough I have to seriously restrain myself from buying absolutely EVERYTHING. So then how do I do it? How do I choose? Inspiration, I find what truly grabs my attention.

Do you fancy costume candy as much as I? The Slough has a fresh shipment coming towards the end of the week and I am uber excited!! Stop by and add to your collection.
xo Jessica
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The Perfect Peonie.

Peonie! The most romantic flower, with its round bloom and fragrant smell, its the omen of good fortune and a happy marriage. Ill take a full bouquet daily!! Thanks. The flower with is simplicity and fullness has the meaning of prosperity and romance, and with its quite hue, and delicate petal it gives the most desirable fresh cut. The hub has planted one in our garden and I am oh so thrilled!!Stop by the shop this week and get you a stem, its amazing how a freshie can change the atmosphere.

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praise for monday

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own"
Matthew 6:34 NIV
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What was it?


The Slough had its first wedding of the season! The shop sells fresh cuts and dabbles very lightly in weddings. I am NO florist but I DO love flowers. The bride was sweet as pie to work with and the results spoke volumes. The theme was peacock, and purple was our go to color. Lizianthus is the most romantic flower and a perfect choice. A wedding bouquet of over sized hydrangea, petite spray roses, and lizanthus became a dynamic pairing! I always find it invigorating to learn new things and to work close with anther's vision.

How was your Friday? Do you have a flower that speaks to you?

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Just in Case.

rainy day

The Island has been forecasting some pretty nasty weather for the weekend. Clearly, its only a hazard if you allow it. Whether on Vacation or a resident, style is of the essence.
What are the 5 must haves for that rainy day?
1. Burberry- This trench coat reached the want list in my college days and has yet to be fulfilled. Its ageless.
2. Umbrella's aren't completely practical in 30 mph wind but it is oh so stylish
3. Rain Flats! How perfect? The Island is packed with humidity, its just too hot for boots, what a perfect alternative.
4. Fresh flowers give the ultimate R&R feel to any atmosphere
5. A great cookbook can do wonders to empty time. Locked in the house for a day or so? Become Giada for a day.

What is your forecast? Do you have your essentials for a mucky weekend?
xo Jessica
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leather for summer?

 Who would have thought? Leather for summer! This Winter and Early Spring it was exciting to watch this trend unfold. Leather leggings were my jam and its awesome to see that they have translated to shorts. What once thought to be a constricted fashion is now a basic staple.leather for summer

 Do you do leather for Summer? Stumped? We have the most darling scallop edge fauxs here @ The Slough!! Paired with something simple like a white T or dressed up with peplum- either or makes for the perfect fit.

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"looks like a girl but she's a flame
so bright she can burn your eyes
better look the other way"

A. Keys

Burn Bright! Happy Weekend!!


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Shot. Shot. Shot.

Colleen is a amiable customer here at the Slough, and when she walked in with her big smile and sun kissed skin-  the tribal crop immediately popped in the brain.
Crops have been so crucial this year, although they are intimidating, the results show no other than salt filled fun! This outfit paired with simple sandals, salt stained hair and a swipe of lip gloss becomes that sublime beach bone fire look.
Whats your plans for this sunny Thursday?
Do you do crop?
ps. Thanks Colleen, you did amazing!!

xo Jessica

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Today is gorgeous!! The sun is shining and the air is salty. It never ceases to amaze me what a visual person I am. During a phone interview today I was asked, "are you, in fact, a visual person?" Hmm, why yes! Yes I am. The eye is what draws you in, a store front is the calling card and what is behind those doors needs to be desired.Being visually invigorated is key in owning your own business, or running a successful closet at that. This salt stands behind a color coordinated closet and organized jewelry. Costume jewelry can be quick to overwhelm, stay focused and organized. Having your goods ready will ensure that perfect outfit, even at the drop of hat. As far as visuals I have migrated for years towards free people, anthropology and Urban Outfitters depending there mood, and mine ;) When it comes to my closet, yes, it is color coordinated. My jewelry, on the other hand, is what they refer to as HOT MESS and needs some major attention. How about you? Do your goods showcase there selves, or are you always digging?


Grabbing ideas to get myself on track. Look for the little notions that in the end we pull you all together. Breathe, its Tuesday!!

xo Jessica
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Pop that Mono.


Neutrals are not always this salts favorite option, but as I get older the more I gravitate towards this saving grace. Its such and effortless option, no thinking required! When time is ticking and the kids are screaming- grab and go becomes the style. Two steps: 1. Choose your neutral- anywhere on the spectrum of gray, black, white and I like to include blush. 2. Once your base is chosen, look through your accessories..What color do you gravitate towards? Pick that and Voila! Your ready. What? you don't gravitate towards a specific hue? That's OK, for example, I normally feel like red is extremely aggressive so I bring it in with accessories, steer away from black and choose a gray or white. The options are to the moon.

Styled above I chose a gray stretch skinny, its a new favorite of mine. Afraid of white jeans? This is the next best thing. And perfect for carrying year round. The shades are a trendy shape with a bright rim just for fun. The necklace is awesome, its handmade (here) and is a major statement piece, neutral is the perfect backdrop. Lastly, play! Shoes are always fun..and remember- they always FIT.

Have you tried this look? Come in the shop, we can help!!

xo Jessica
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